Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

David Déharbe from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Norte, Brazil, visited VeriDis from July 9 to July 27 and from October 15 to October 26 in the context of the Inria-CNPq project SMT-SAVeS. The work resulted in several improvements of the veriT solver.

Thomas Sturm, from MPI für Informatik, and Ulrich Loup and Florian Corzilius, from RWTH Aachen, visited VeriDis from October 22nd to 26th, in the context of the ADT veriT for discussing techniques for non-linear arithmetic in SMT solving.

International Internships

  • Rodrigo Castaño (from Sep 2012 until Dec 2012)

    • Subject: Methods for efficient SMT solving

    • Institution: University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)